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I have been able to close nearly all quotes I have done with the aid of the designs and pictures. The customers get to see what there cabinetry will look like in 3-D color pictures and any changes they have are easy to do now with out redrawing everything.
Finally your customer service is the best. I deal with Dave Cross on a weekly basis, he has been so helpful with any issues I may have. In my opinion Dave is Pro Kitchen, he very knowledgeable in all facets of the program. He always has a quick easy solution to my problems.
If I don’t call he make time to call and make sure everything is running smoothly. Thanks again for such a great tool. We have been a ProKitchen software user for over 8 years, we are continually pleased with the updates and innovations that we see regularly with ProK!.
Have been especially pleased with the panorama feature that allows our Customers to go online and download “their new kitchen” onto their phone and then literally walk around their space to feel what the new room will be like. Thank you again Dave Cross and everyone at ProKitchen for helping us provide our Customers with “THE BEST” visual tools available.
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