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Thread ini berada di FORUM GAMES, bukan di tempat sampah! Jangan berharap bisa mengejar jumlah postingan di sini! Quote: Original Posted By BOE for System Requirements MINIMUM OS: Windows® XP/ Windows® Vista / Windows® 7 Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X3 8750 processor or better Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA® GeForce 8600GT / ATI® Radeon X1950 or better DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c or later Hard Drive: 16 GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX® 9.0c or later Internet: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity. Nistune keygen generator crack.
Internet connection required for activation. Buat mengecek pc anda kuat apa kagak disini. Quote: Preview Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was released, and has received both good and bad reviews.
Many have raved and ranted that MW3 is all that they expected, where on the other hand a number of people have been complaining that MW3 is nothing at all like they expected and that they liked Black Ops better. Each person is entitled to his or her own opinion, but its possible that personal expectations for new games are much higher then what developers in fact produce. This is both the fault of the developer and the individual, as the developers release videos, screenshots and information to make the consumer drool over their product. These releases often leave consumers with an overly high expectations for the product. To avoid disappointment, one might want to try viewing released material with a hint of scepticism, rather than simply believing everything you see. Enough about the complaints and disappointments.
Let`s get to the multiplayer review. The multiplayer in MW3 is as expected; there are both core (standard) game types and hardcore (advanced) game types. Under each option there are a number of different game types, including the two popular new game types Kill Confirmed and Team Defender. Kill Confirmed requires players to collect floating dog tags from the corpse of a downed enemy before the kill can be registered. However, the opposing team can pick up the dog tag as well to deny the other team of a kill. (Wikipedia).
This is an amazing new game type; possibly an all new favourite! Team Defender requires both teams to try to capture a flag dropped by the first person who gets killed when the match starts, and hold it to gain double points per kill while the team without the flag only gets the default amount per kill. Another new feature of the multiplayer is the killstreaks, which have been completely redone!
Killstreaks are now called Pointstreaks, and are now not only influenced by kills, but also by bomb plants, flag captures, and so forth. These pointstreaks can be used in one of three different ways; the player has a choice of three different strike packages. The strike packages are Assault, Support and Specialist. Assault works like killstreaks did in MW2 and Black Ops, where you receive bonuses such as predator missiles and attack helicopters. Support is unique in the sense that when you die you do not lose your streak. With support, players can die and the kills/points still add up to the pointstreak pretty sweet, if you ask me. Finally, Specialist use points to obtain extra perks for the player.
Specialist users unlock a new perk for every two kills received, and once the player has 8 kills, the player has use of every perk in the game. If killed, the player looses his/her extra perks and starts back at the beginning. One might have noticed the change ranking and unlocks.
There is no longer a purchasing of weapons and perks, for now it is level based. Weapons now even have levels, and as you progress with a weapon, new perks for the weapons are unlocked. These are called Proficiency perks, which include Kick (a recoil reducer), Focus (stay focus under fire), and more. Activision has also added something called the Prestige Shop, which allows players to gain points from past games and products and use them towards double XP or extra weapons classes. Quote: Original Posted By BOE for PICS. Quote: Original Posted By BOE for Download Link 0.