ERA 2 download Platform Complete File Size 95 MB Version 2.7.7 Update 21. 2018 (v2.7.7) (v2.46) Requires: Shadow of Death, Heroes Complete Edition. Credits: talented Heroes community. Special thanks to Algor, baratorch, Berserker, Bes, Darkloke, feanor, GrayFace, igrik, Jim Vogan, MoP, Morn, RoseKavalier, Sav, solitaire345, SyDr, Valery (Salamandre), WoG Team, ZVS.
Oct 05, 2011 This is new a mod for Heroes 3 I just downloaded. Its an awesome update for the existing WOG mod. It basically changes much of the original Heroes. Heroes 3: HD Mod, high resolution (5.0 RC43) Written by Evgeny Voronov HoMM 3 HD mod (aka HiRez mod, Multi-Resolution patch, HoMM3 High Resolution Project ) is an addon pack for Heroes of Might and Magic 3 that changes game resolution to any from 800x600 to 4000x4000, adds new functionality and fixes some original bugs.
Features: Mod System. Easily installed and uninstalled mods with advanced compatibility and extensibility, plugins and patches, mod manager and plugin manager with GUI (by SyDr). Game and mods are fully portable. No traditional installation process, registry problems or CD requirements (optional). Advanced editor. Integrated patch by GrayFace with mod support, custom plugins for editor, etc.
Supplied mods. Reshebnik naglyadnaya geometria 7 klass kazakov. Yona (new battle hint, new creature abilities). Windows 7 activator v2 by orbit 30 2009 honda recall. Fast Battle Animation (speeds-up sounds, pre-battle music, battle animation). Secondary Skills Scrolling (no hidden skills, view up to 28 skills). Lots of patches Custom buttons, objects packs, colored texts, improved multiplayer, dozens of tweaks, etc.