I could've sworn there was another part of this review where you discussed other simulators. Why was it removed? It was probably my favorite part of the entire review. About the review, I think it's better than anything you've ever done before. Yes, I think this rivals (if not outright beats) Cajon Pass. This is a perfect season finale and would be fitting for even a series finale, although God forbid your show will ever end.
Run8 Train Simulator is considered the number one train simulator among. Yes, version 2 of Run 8 Train Simulator is now available and we could not have done. We now have a new order processing system that sends out download links.
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By the way, have you been considering doing the RMD East (or maybe the West when it comes out)? I was all set to be negative as I watched it. But actually, I was pleasantly surprised at the overall quality of Run 8. One admittedly minor point: In the USA you RUN a locomotive. Not DRIVE it. In Europe you DRIVE a locomotive, not RUN it.
Been in/around railroading over 40 years now (some of my early tutorage was by nearly-retired Old Heads that started on steam engines) and I've never heard a USA Engineer refer to it as 'driving' a train. We 'run' engines, locomotives, trains, etc. Seeing as train enthusiasm has gone global with the advent of the internet, many of today's younger USA rail enthusiasts have embraced European nomenclature and it isn't correct nomenclature for the USA. Yes, it's a minor point, but personally I would like to see history/traditions unique to USA railroading preserved and our traditions continued. Be incorrect often enough and long enough, and the incorrect becomes accepted, thus the original is eventually lost. Last edited by Coonskin; at 08:02 PM.
I'm somewhat bemused by why you left it until just past halfway (~6 mins) to mention MP. After all, that is Run 8's prime reason for existence. Also, I disagree with your recommendation that someone interested in Run 8 but new to train-simming should start with something else. My recommendation would be for them to start with Run 8 in single Player mode, become accustomed to the technical aspects and the physics/dynamics and then go MP. Because of Run 8's realism, there is little to be gained by a newcomer being apprenticed to Railworks, Trainz or MSTS.

Bruce Last edited by seagoon; at 05:15 PM. Hell froze over, I agree with Bruce on the newcomer comment MP is the chosen vehicle to to provide that connection to the outside world. But it's kind of like saying AI should be mentioned sooner in a review for another simulator because it has it.
I think all simulators have more than just that vehicle. AI like MP is just another means of trying to give the user who is by himself at home on his computer the image that he is not alone. AI has it's weaknesses and strengths just as MP does. What I think is still the main selling point right now it seems (though honestly it wasn't my first thought - but man what a difference) is the physics. I would certainly put the save mode (something that benefits even single player) one of the best out there.
Of course the big weakness for many right now is lots of routes, scenery, stock, and of course editors. But that is all coming. Some say lack of AI, personally I don't see it. Hell froze over, I agree with Bruce on the newcomer comment Of course the big weakness for many right now is lots of routes, scenery, stock, and of course editors. But that is all coming. Some say lack of AI, personally I don't see it.
Thanks SeanI also agree with the newcomer comment, makes no sense to send people off to learn bad habits that don't translate at all to Run8. As to AI, it just amazes me that people think that somehow, somewhere, someone will make a good AI. It hasn't happened in 12 years and at this stage of programming it's hard to envision even a working AI dispatcher or AI trains that would simulate the real railroading world one tenth as effectively as Run8 multi-player. AI seems to be pretty good when it comes to video games developed on the PC and converted to Xbox360 and Playstation 3.