John Rambo is removed from prison by his former superior, Colonel Samuel Troutman, for a top-secret operation to bring back POW's still held in Vietnam. Rambo's assignment is to only take pictures of where the POWs are being held, but Rambo wants to get the POWs out of Vietnam. Teamed up with female Vietnamese freedom fighter Co Bao, Rambo embarks on a mission to rescue the POWs, who are being held by sadistic Vietnamese Captain Vinh and his Russian comrade, Lieutenant Colonel Padovsky. Rambo starts killing every enemy in sight while still focusing on his intentions to rescue the POWs. There are also corrupt American officials involved in the mission, including Marshall Murdock, one of Rambo's superiors. Okay, first of all, I was born after this movie was made.
Second of all, I'm a girl. So for me to say it's a good movie means it's a good movie. My father received this movie as a gag gift. Just by glancing at the cover, I had the impression that Rambo movies were nothing but blood-and-guts, guns-blazing, psycho, no-plotline movies that exist solely for the purpose of making men feel macho. I hate those movies (Steven Segal, Chuck Norris, etc.) But when I popped in this movie out of boredom, I was surprisingly pleased. I'll admit I never saw the first one, but this film doesn't really call for it. It stands on its own.
Watch First Blood, First Blood Full free movie Online HD. Commercial series cps r0509. Easy fit 5 5 keygen crack download. Rambo is a former United States Special Forces soldier who fought in Vietnam and won the Congressional Medal of Honor, but his time in Vietnam Watch4HD.com.
The plot is good-a little too unrealistic but good, the cinematography and scenery is great, Stallone may not be the best actor in the world but he PERSONIFIES John Rambo, and the aspect that makes the movie worth watching is the fact that a woman was a main character and she was not just there for looks; she had an important role and she is portrayed almost as Rambo's equal. The semi-happy ending was cool, too. Although there are many cheezy moments where you just want to roll your eyes, there are also many feel-good moments that make the audience cheer for Rambo. After seeing this film I can understand why it was nominated for an Oscar.