Said Friend cracked a copy of MemoQ with a.dll file she bought off the internet for a few bucks. Worked fine until this morning, when it magically didn't. Now she's unable to open a book that she's half-finished translating. Jan 31, 2014 - A mere translator, I've cracked the memoQ server and uploaded another. Spaces from numbers with percent signs, such as 37,5% 37.5%.
Mirror Download Link memoQ is an application offering a robust set of translation features, making it perfect for professionals that handle several projects on a daily basis but also suitable for occasional users and beginners. He application shows the text in segments, specifically full sentences. It lets you either merge or split these segments and available equivalents are offered for words that exist in the Term Base. When the translation is finalized, you can export the text in a number of bilingual formats.