Box and Chest Patch for c5 lokadia The toy box create available 18 new. L2 Chest Box Patch Interlude In Death Jd. PDF, Large PDF, Multimedia, Meaning. Ulož.to is the largest czech cloud storage. Upload, share, search and download for free. Credit allows you to download with unlimited speed.
Greetings, everyone! Since the mob names of the treasure boxes got fixed (now they're sharing the same name with the regular treasure chests), it is not possible, to distinguish between Treasure Chest (eating your DX Chest Keys attacking you, dropping same **** as a regular mob) and a Treasure Box (opens, if you use such a key, drops enchants / high amount of adena). Well, actually you can use the IG walker to see the boxes on the map / on the moblist, but this is kinda dumb, in my opinion (I got ****** after a few boxes). So I edited the npcname-e.dat. Result: Just place this file into your './Lineage II/system/' dir and start the game. Now you also can set up a regular ingame macro to locate the (good) boxes (/target Treasure Box).
But remember: If you pop a box, there's a 50% chance, that this spot gets blocked by a bad one (Chest). So if there are too many chests in your area, just send some of them back to hell.
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Then some good ones (Boxes) can spawn.;3 Working with C4off servers, tested with L2xReborn! - Jack EDIT: File PW: thxjack.epvpftw. Similar Threads - Lineage 2 - 1 Replies hello, i play lineage Hellbound on private server.
I wanted to modify some npcs (mainly chests) names. I have downloaded l2encdec.exe progerm and l2clientdat.exe, i too the npcname-2.dat file and decode it, changed some npcs name and all chests names to test if work, then i encode file back. DETAILS ON HOW I ENCODE: in the l2encdec.exe encoding option i must choose version, i dont know the version, so i took original file from game decode it and the encode it back in all version,. - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 2 Replies Hello. I need npcname-e for l2 hellbound. I try alot npcname-e but i didn't fing good to show treasure chest witch is good and witch is bad.
Thanks in advance:) - Lineage 2 - 3 Replies Hi everyone, I have the npcname.dat file.I need the the npcname.dat working in interlude for see threasure box. I have downloaded a lot of file (about 50) but no1 will work. Always the same error: General Protecion Failure. I think are all file for C4/C5. I Need a working npcname.dat for open treasure box.
I hope u can help me. Sorry for my english, im an italian guy. - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 11 Replies After using l2encdec v2.91 on a clean npcname-e.dat official not touched/changed anything. So this is how I did it. I drecypted it with l2encdec v2.91 (DStuff) 2. I used L2Clientdat --> L2ClientDat_en.exe - FileFront.com And iI got this file --> npcname-e_decoded_TEH.txt - FileFront.com - Lineage 2 - 1 Replies I'm looking npcname-e.dat for l2 c6 or any other thing for i can see the difrence of box and chest i use npcname-e.dat for c4 and doesn't work sorry for my english.
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