I found an old Soundblaster Live! CT4760 lately, and i am trying to get it working under windows 10. So far i tried: 1. The drivers from the kx project (kxproject.com) 2.

The official drivers from creative. (latest version: XP Professional x64) but if i am installing either of the 2, through the device manager or otherwise, windows hangs. I succeeded in 'installing' the official drivers, but they are not signed, and if i start windows in the 'also load unsigned drivers mode' (advanced startup, etc.) windows will freeze during boot. So in short: 1. I need to find a workaround to not freeze windows when the driver loads.

I need to sign the driver afterwards. Or any other way to get it working. Under windows, not linux, i already know linux supports it out of the box for more details, just reply.

Creative Labs SB LIVE,CT4670,CT4760,CT4830 driver. Bluestacks buat ram 1gb ddr2 drivers. Creative Labs Sound Card Drivers. SBLiveDrvPack.zip (Sound Blaster Live! DriverPack Full PackageSBLW-XPWEB-W3-US More info This is the complete package for the Sound Blaster Live! Driver Pack that consists - Live!

Sound blaster live ct4760 driver

I found an old Soundblaster Live! CT4760 lately, and i am trying to get it working under windows 10. So far i tried: 1. The drivers from the kx project (kxproject.com) 2.

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The official drivers from creative. (latest version: XP Professional x64) but if i am installing either of the 2, through the device manager or otherwise, windows hangs. I succeeded in 'installing' the official drivers, but they are not signed, and if i start windows in the 'also load unsigned drivers mode' (advanced startup, etc.) windows will freeze during boot.

So in short: 1. I need to find a workaround to not freeze windows when the driver loads. I need to sign the driver afterwards. Or any other way to get it working. Under windows, not linux, i already know linux supports it out of the box for more details, just reply.