Download free Boutros Ads Bold font, BOUTROS ADS BOLD.TTF Boutros Ads Bold Boutros Ads Bold.
Did you know you can monetize your free fonts with more than just banner ads. Through AdSense? InstallMonetizer helps publishers of free downloadable content monetize their content. If you are currently using Google AdSense or any other service to monetize your site you can continue to do so and add InstallMonetizer's content wrapper.
Essentially the content wrapper inserts an advertising offer when an end user downloads one of your free fonts. Every time the end user accepts the advertising offer you earn money. The advertising offer is seamlessly integrated into your download. You can turn on or off the advertising offer anytime. Email - for more info.
A simple 1 month trial will show you how easy it is to make additional revenues. Our research shows that if a website currently earns $33 per day through Google AdSense- installing the content wrapper would make the revenue jump to $120! Convert ex4 to mq4 free.