Theoretical part: This is one of the simplest programmers. It was designed using common components, with respect to simple construction. It connects directly to a PC parallel port.
Software is written in Pascal, the new version uses the Turbo Vision user interface. It should work with no problem on the first try. Both software versions support so-called DEBUG mode, that should greatly simplify any troubleshooting. I have tested it on a 6x86 VX motherboard with on-board LPT port. We paid great attention to the timing routines, so it should work on any computer.
You are about to report the project 'Arduino-based AT89C2051 programmer', please tell us the reason. Send message Hello, I really like your project and I think I have skills to help you.
This programmer is a part of the LAB-51 system. It is completely independent, but it was developed as its component. The article that follows is the translation of what has been published in Elektroinzert 11,12/96. We are working on a reprint.
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The ATMEL corporation, well-known for their FLASH and EEPROM memories, has created their own version of the 8051 series processors. The AT89C51, for example, is a modified version of the 'standard' 87C51, with a FLASH memory instead of EPROM. In this article, I would like to present my programmer for a similar circuit in a 20-pin DIL package, AT89C2051. My objective was to build a simple programmer, that would be easy to make at home and would work without significant problems on the first try. Features of the AT89C2051 processor: • Compatible with Intel 8051 • 2kB of internal FLASH program memory (1000 write cycles) • Voltage range from 2.7 to 6 V • Fully statical operation • Clock 0 Hz to 24 MHz • Two-level data protection • 128 bytes of internal RAM • 15 programmable I/O pins • Two 16-bit counters/timers • Analog comparator • 5 interrupt sources • Programmable UART - (RS232) • 2 power-saving modes The only major inovation over standard 51-series processors is the analog comparator on pins P1.0 and P1.1. Its output is accessible to the software via the P3.6 bit. Data protection system is designed very well.
With the AT89C51, it is not even possible to transfer contents of the internal FLASH memory if an external memory with a special software is attached to it. The only disadvantage of this processor is a small and non-expandable program memory. The circuit is intended for simple applications, where room and number of wires are limited.
Avtomobiljnoe zaryadnoe ustrojstvo na tranzistore p210. The family of Luboš Waldmann currently lives and farms here. The mountain farming settlement „Na Zvonici“ stands alone on the southern slope of the town Paseky nad Jizerou, with a view of the western Giant Mountains and neighbouring mountain towns. The family dwelling house is built on the foundations of the original farmhouse, which was one of the first houses to be built in this town.
It's a pity it can't run just with a RC-circuit for clock signal generating, and that an OTP version is not available. That would make it a full-featured competition to the well-known PIC processors (RISC singlechip processors by Microchip), e.g. PIC16C54 and PIC16C84, as the price difference is getting smaller. According to our measurements, power consumption averages approximately 12 mA. The lowest power consumption can be achieved with clock frequency of 2 MHz, and amounts to about 6 mA for the processor itself (add 2mA for a miniature 7805). There is no further significant power consumption drop at lower clock frequencies.