Below is a selection of Ozbreed’s 3D Landscape Gardening Plants available for download. NEW 3D graphics have been added to the updated downloads below. These files and images are royalty free to use and are formatted for some of the popular design applications. Note: Image Props, Components, and 3D camera facing models can also be used in 2D graphics.
Application & File Types Select the plant range you would like to download below and then choose one of the file options suitable for your program. Some are easy to install, and some need a little work, it depends on which program you use. Instructions on how to use each file type is located in the “Readme” file in each zipped folder. Contact your program supplier if you have difficulties getting them to work. Most Design Programs: The PNG, TIFF, SketchUp, Vectorworks & JPEG files are sized to keep the overall design file as small as possible whilst keeping a good plant graphic. The small file size is recommended for most designs where plants are viewed from far away. Aplikasi pembukuan toko kelontong. The large file size is recommended for designs with close up views.
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Higher Resolution Files: Photoshop and TGA files are higher resolution images for other uses. All plants were converted to Vectorworks image props by Jonathan Pickup from Arconcad. Visit the website for Vectorworks Training: All plants were converted to SketchUp by Aaron Troy from Atlas Landscape Architects. Visit his website here: Notes: 1.
Graphics representing plants in ground or in a pot – Some graphics have not been cut off at the base of the plant. This is to allow the foliage to overhang if it were to be used in a pot or the edge of a retaining wall. This means if using the graphics planted in the ground, you will have to adjust where it sits on the Z or Y axis in your design program so it doesn’t appear to be floating.2. If using a file type where you have to import into the program yourself – you have to take into account the whole image doesn’t represent the whole plant size.
Tree Photoshop Landscape Architecture Landscape Design Landscape Drawings Trees Top View Tree Plan Architecture Presentation Board Plant Illustration Entourage. Tree Psd, Tree Photoshop, Plant Texture, Plant Illustration, Landscape Sketch, Landscape Design, Photoshop.
You may have to take into account overhanging foliage when putting in the height and width values for that image and put in a higher value to accurately represent the plant (This applies to PNG, JPEG, TIFF, Photoshop & TGA files). For a PDF document with the recommended sizes for use of Ozbreed plant images in 3D CAD programs (80KB). Download 3D Graphics. Download Emporium Range of Plants 3D Graphics Includes the following plants: Aranda™, Banana Split™, Clarity Blue™, Cream Lea®, Destiny®, Emerald Arch®, Eskdale, Feather Top™, Fine Divine™, Flamin’®, Frilly Lace™, Grand Star™, King Alfred®, Kingsdale™, Little Phil™, Little Ruby™, Mini Meema™, Nafray®, Neon Pink™, Pennstripe™, Pink Pearl™, Pure Blonde™, Purple Lea®, Savanna Blue™, Shooting Star™, Sungold™, Sweet Mist®, Tropic Cascade™, Twisty™, Twizzler™, Utopia®, Variegated Tanika™, Wingarra® and Yalba™.
Photo by BREAKING THE PLANE- 3D For Photographers I was recently watching a tutorial on advanced product retouching in Photoshop, during which the instructor spent an astounding amount of time removing imperfections and isolating every element to its own layer. It was eye-opening, but not in the way I expected. During my career I’ve captured a client’s or art director’s vision on a two-dimensional plane with lighting, subject matter, resolution, and camera angle baked-in forever. This had me looking for another way to approach image and motion creation. Here I’m on location capturing overhead shots of foliage to be used in SpeedTree to re-generate the plants in the 3D realm.
I capture a naturally lit overhead shot as well as a back lit shot to tell the 3D program how the texture is to look when back-lit. During a recent series of trips to New York, I found myself with quite a bit of downtime in the evenings which allowed me to dive headfirst into the world of 3D.
3D is nothing new, but as of late the software and hardware is advancing at lightning speed, and I noticed that it wasn’t being used in generating food imagery nearly as much as it should. In order to use 3D in production as a food photographer, I needed to become adept at modeling, texture creation, photogrammetry, VFX, compositing, and sculpting. Not an easy task and as many know, but the learning never ends!