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Judul Buku: Falsafah Hidup Hamka Penulis: Prof.DR. Buya Hamka Tebal: 428 halaman Sampul: SoftCover Falsafah hidup, lahir, berjuang dan akhirnya mati. Demikianlah kita menjalani hidup, Melalui buku ini, Hamka menguraikan tentang rahasia kehidupan dan perilaku manusia.

The house, which was occupied by Hamka and his grandmother during his childhood in, was renovated in 2001 to become. The museum now holds most of his books, publications, and related goods. Format ssp pajak excel.

Hamka was born on 17 February 1908 (: 13 Muharram 1362AH) in Kampung Molek, Sungai Batang, Tanjung Raya, in the,, as the first child of seven brothers. He was raised in a family of devout. His father was, a clerical reformer of Islam in Minangkabau who was known as Haji Rasul. His mother, Sitti Shafiyah, came from artists of Minangkabau descent. The father of Abdul Karim, Hamka's grandfather, namely was known as a follower of the. Before his education in formal schools, Hamka lived with his grandmother in a house south of. When he was six years old, he moved with his father to Padang Panjang, West Sumatera.

Following common tradition in Minang, he studied the Quran and slept in a mosque near the place where he lived because Minang boys did not have a place to sleep in the family house. In the mosque he studied the Quran.

He liked to listen to kaba, stories which are sung along with traditional Minangkabau music. Interaction with these storyteller artists gave him knowledge of the art of storytelling. Later, through his novels, Hamka often drew on Minang terms. Minang rhymes and proverbs adorn his works. Education [ ] In 1915, even after the age of seven, he enrolled in a village school ( Sekolah SMKA Sultan Muhammad) and studied general sciences such as numeracy and literacy. Hamka considered this time of his life to be one of the more joyous times. In the morning, he rushed off to school so that he can play before class started.


Then after school, he would go play again with his friends, such as hide and seek, wrestling, chasing after one another, like the other kids his age played. Two years later, while still learning every morning at the village school, he also studied in every afternoon. When his father enrolled him in in 1918, he could no longer attend classes at the village school. He quit after graduating from two classes. After that, he studied at the Diniyah School every morning, while in the afternoon and evening studying in Thawalib back at the mosque.